Mussels are nature’s ultimate superfood

Singing the praises of mussels as a culinary experience is easy. They are probably the most versatile protein, enabling you to create effortless, tasty and memorable dishes in just minutes. They work on their own and seamlessly in Asian, Italian, South American and European cuisine. They are one of the most environmentally friendly food options available, and you can let your imagination loose when feeling creative in the kitchen.

But are mussels good for you? Well, the answer is a simple one. If you are not including mussels in your diet, you are missing out on one of nature’s ultimate superfoods boasting a nutritional profile unmatched by any other protein source on the planet.

What makes them so nutritious?

Organically farmed mussels contain more protein and iron than a piece of fillet steak… and that is just the beginning.

Packed with protein, eating mussels supports the body’s growth, maintenance and repair of red blood cells. The protein builds and repairs muscle tissue, skin, nails and hair.

Mussels have very high concentrations of essential omega 3 fats, necessary for heart and brain health and for lowering triglycerides, which lead to obesity and diabetes.

Mussels contain:

  • Calcium for bone strength

  • Zinc and selenium for a healthy immune system

  • B12 to support your nervous system

  • Manganese for bone health

  • B2 for a healthy liver and keeping your eyes, muscles and skin healthy

  • Copper for healthy blood vessels

  • Phosphorous for your kidney health and building strong teeth

  • Selenium, a very powerful antioxidant that reduces your risk to some cancers, protects against heart disease and improves brain function

  • Iodine for healthy thyroid function

  • Vitamin C vital in healing your body after an injury, and

  • Loads of beneficial amino acids.

Is there anything else?

Mussels are very low in fat and are low in calories. Highly sustainable, organically farmed mussels are critical to the health of our oceans and do not involve any land clearing or damaging fertilisers. Mussels act as a carbon sink for our atmosphere and create marine environments that support a plethora of seaborne life that keep the ocean’s food chain in balance.

Despite Australian mussels being regarded as the world best, we haven’t yet embraced them to anywhere near the levels of foodies on other continents or our cousins from across the ditch. In many circles, we still see them as a delicacy reserved for those special occasions when dining out.

Once you start experimenting with them, you’ll quickly realise just how easy and quick they are to cook. You’ll also realise how versatile your meals can be and how inexpensive it is to replace one mainstream chicken, fish or steak meal with a bowl of Eyre Peninsula mussels.

Where to buy

You can find our mussels on supermarket shelves or from specialty seafood retailers. We offer both live pot ready and cooked mussels, to give you more options for a quick and healthy meal in minutes.


Chilli mussels - a game changer


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