Why Mussels are the perfect addition your Winter Meal Planner

Winter beckons us indoors. It’s nature’s signal to slow down, restore and rejuvenate – without the pull to be outdoors that comes with brighter months. This time of year also shifts what we eat, crave and want to cook. We desire comforting, hearty and warm meals such as soups, stews, roasts, chilli, shepherd’s pie, pastas, slow-cooked meats and curries. But what about the humble and delicious mussel?

While the demand for just about every other seafood drops off in the winter, mussels actually spike during this season. It’s the only seafood that goes up in consumption in winter compared to summer. Other seafood like prawns, barramundi, cod, lobster, tuna and salmon tend to be enjoyed as summer foods.

Mussels are a convenient and affordable choice that is available year-round, but during the Winter months, the new season mussels are particularly plump, sweet and tender.

The leftover liquid after steaming the mussels is a cook’s dream. It’s an incredibly rich, briny broth that makes any meal a delight for the palette. For a low-key appetiser, this broth is perfect for dipping crusty or garlic bread into – or the base of a marinara pasta sauce (with some herbs to jolt the taste buds).

A go-to winter warmer food

With a creamy texture and a subtle ‘ocean’ flavour, mussels are delicious, versatile, packed with health benefits and certified organic. A no-guilt source of protein, mussels are filling and easy to cook. From quick weeknight meals to an elegant multi-course menu for entertaining, there’s a place and a plate for mussels in every kind of day.

Keeping the body strong throughout the cold and flu season.

Mussels contain iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B12, calcium and essential amino acids. With shorter days during winter, our bodies need a little extra care, particularly the immune, circulatory and digestive systems. Mussels are high in many of the nutrients we need more of during this season.

Embrace the slow pace of winter and more time spent at home (and in the kitchen). And don’t be nervous, as mussels are forgiving to cook. For a mild and fragrant dish, start with the Thai mussels with sweet potato recipe.

Feeling cosy? Fire up the stove and cook chilli steamed mussels with tomato and chorizo. Want some warmth and kick? Try the hot and spicy chilly mussels. Hosting friends? The mussels with garlic and breadcrumbs will be a hit. And ‘travel’ to South East Asia with our mussel curry laksa.

Ready to introduce our mussels into your diet?

You can find our mussels on supermarket shelves or from specialty seafood retailers. We offer both live pot-ready and cooked mussels, as well as our new Mussel Hot Pot in Tomato Broth box.  Our Boston Bay Mussel Hot Pot in Tomato Broth is not only the perfect winter meal but also convenient.  Simply pop in the microwave and in under three minutes you can enjoy a healthy, nutritious, quality meal.

If you’re looking for more recipe inspiration to feed the family with a warm meal, have a look at our winter recipes that are sure to entice and delight.


Ten surprising mussel facts